
Airfoils For RC Model Aircraft

The airfoil is one of the most critical elements that determine the flight characteristics of an RC model aircraft. The airfoil refers to the shape of the wing and directly affects performance features such as lift force, drag, speed, and maneuverability. Here are some fundamental insights:

What is a Airfoil and What is its Purpose?

  • The airfoil is the cross-section of the wing and determines how air flows over it.
  • Its primary function is to generate lift for the aircraft while minimizing drag.
  • Different airfoils are optimized for different flight purposes.


Airfoils for High Load Capacity Aircraft (Cargo, Trainer Aircraft)

  • Airfoils: Thick, cambered airfoils that provide high lift. (e.g. Clark-Y, NACA 2412, Eppler 374)
  • Characteristics: Generate high lift force even at low speeds. Maintain stable flight at lower speeds.
  • Advantages: Ideal for models that carry heavy loads or require stable flight. They can sustain flight even at low speeds and maintain stability.

Aerobatic Aircraft Airfoils

  • Airfoils: Symmetrical or semi-symmetrical airfoils (e.g. NACA 0015, NACA 0012)
  • Characteristics: Because airflow is symmetrical over the top and bottom surfaces, inverted flight and rapid maneuvers are easier. They provide both positive and negative lift.
  • Advantages: Suitable for aircraft capable of aggressive maneuvers and quick directional changes. They are ideal for 3D aerobatic planes, offering sharp maneuverability and stable inverted flight.

Thermal Gliders, Efficient Aircraft – Long-Range and High-Efficiency Flight Airfoils

  • Airfoils: Thin airfoils optimized for high angles of attack (e.g. Laminar flow airfoils – NACA 6 series, MH32, Selig 3021)
  • Characteristics: Provide low drag and high efficiency. Improve glide performance.
  • Advantages: These airfoils enhance flight duration and energy efficiency, making them suitable for gliders and long-range FPV aircraft.

High-Speed Aircraft Airfoils (Jets, Racing Aircraft)

  • Airfoils: Thin airfoils with low lift production (e.g. NACA 64-012, NACA 65A005)
  • Characteristics: Provide high speed with low drag.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages: Suitable for speed-focused flights but generate minimal lift at low speeds. This makes them unable to sustain flight at low speeds, requiring longer takeoff and landing distances.

Effects on Efficiency

  • Lift-to-Drag Ratio: The airfoil determines the balance between lift and drag. An efficient airfoil provides high lift with minimal drag.
  • Speed and Maneuverability: Airfoil selection directly affects an aircraft’s speed and maneuverability. For example, symmetrical airfoils are ideal for aerobatics, while thin airfoils are better suited for high speed.

Is Flight Possible with a Completely Flat Wing?

  • Yes, it is possible. However, a flat wing (flat plate airfoil) consists only of a simple plate without a specialized airfoil shape. These wings can be used in basic and lightweight models.
  • Advantages: Simple construction, low cost, and easy manufacturing.
  • Disadvantages: Low efficiency, high drag, and limited flight performance. Flat wings are not suitable for high-speed or long-range applications.



  1. Stability in Crosswinds

Aircraft stability in crosswinds depends on several factors, including the wing airfoil, vertical stabilizer (tail surface), and wingspan.


  • Most stable airfoils:
    • Flat-bottomed and cambered top-surface airfoils like Clark-Y, NACA 4412.
    • Thick airfoils that generate high lift at lower angles of attack (e.g., NACA 2412).
    • Reason: These airfoils generate significant lift even at low speeds and improve stability in crosswinds.
  • Most affected airfoils:
    • Thin and symmetrical airfoils (e.g., NACA 0012, NACA 0015).
    • Reason: Symmetrical airfoils rely heavily on the angle of attack for lift generation, requiring more control input in crosswinds.
  • Effect of wing structure:
    • Aircraft with long wingspans (e.g., gliders) are more affected by crosswinds.
    • Aircraft with shorter wingspans and higher wing loading are more resistant to crosswinds.


  1. Airfoils Less Affected by Turbulence

Turbulent air creates sudden variations in airflow, causing fluctuations in lift generation. The airfoils that best mitigate turbulence effects typically include:

  • Thick and cambered airfoils (like Clark-Y, NACA 4412, NACA 23012)
    • Reason: Provide more stable airflow and minimize sudden lift loss.
    • Commonly used in: Trainer and cargo aircraft.
  • Airfoils that perform well at low angles of attack (e.g., NACA 2412)
    • Reason: These airfoils generate adequate lift in turbulent air without requiring high angles of attack.
  • Symmetrical airfoils (e.g., NACA 0012, NACA 0015) tend to be less stable in turbulent air because they are more sensitive to sudden changes in the angle of attack.


  • Most resistant to crosswinds: Clark-Y, NACA 4412, NACA 2412 (flat-bottomed and high-lift airfoils).
  • Least affected by turbulent winds: Thick, cambered, and efficient airfoils at low angles of attack (Clark-Y, NACA 23012).
  • Aerobatic and racing aircraft with thin and symmetrical airfoils are more vulnerable to both crosswinds and turbulent air.

This simplified information serves as a basic guide for selecting airfoils for RC model airplanes. Aerodynamic calculations and simulations may be required for more detailed analysis.